Thursday, April 3, 2014

History of Objective C

          In 1970s we got the C programming language and after that First Object Oriented Programming Language came into existence is Smalltalk. Then the Updated C version came with object oriented feature and we Called it C++.

            There are languages like C++, Java, C# these are all the C based languages. They have developed designed their own compiler and way to execute it and run the software developed separate language.  

              Now in 1980s Apple has designed and developed Objective C programming language and they have used it to design and develop Operating System OS X and iOS. What Instead of creating another C based language what Apple has did is they have taken C language as base and then they have added some new extra stuffs to that and also make the new Syntaxes and structure as they required for development  that language is called Objective , it’s not C based language but it’s often referred as strict super set of C as they have added extra stuff to it.

           So you can take a C language code and can compile and run on XCode it will just run fine. Now as they have added new things to C they made changes to compiler too that so it can detect the different stuffs and compile and execute it. In between 1988 to 1989 Steve Jobs Developed operating system called NeXTStep1.1 and later in 1995 they developed new version of NextStep OS 3.3 then in 1996 Apple created Next in 2001 New Operating System Mac OS X. Operating System of iPhone is built on Objective C language it came into existence in 2007. iPad released on 2010 also runs iOS. It's latest version is iOS7.1 which looks like as under.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Environment and Tools we required for the Apple Software Development.


        You need first of all Mac operating system to develop apple software, then after it doesn’t matter whether you are running Mac OS on VMware, virtual box or on iMac, Mac book Pro, or Mac on your desktop. But download and install latest operating system so it will be most useful and convenient to work with because some latest version of Software runs on latest Operating system for example if you want to install XCode 5 then your operating system, then OS must need to be OS X 10.8.5 or grater.


       Xcode is the IDE, Software developed by Apple. It is the one and only tool available to write, test, debug, and build and execute code. Now you can get XCode either from your apple App store or you can download it from
        After you have downloaded it you have to install that IDE, after you have installed it. You can open it and also you can set it’s shortcut to your doc in your desktop.
         Now all things are setup you can start that IDE, Program and can start coding.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Introduction to Apple software development.


       As If you are brand new to learn Apple software development. Fine it's great to start learning one of most power full operating system developed and designed by Apple

        But you might get confused by thinking some questions like, What knowledge we should have before starting? ,What are the things we must need to be aware of before starting software development? ,Which thinks we must need to kept in our mind to get master in this new development environment? Don't worry It's easy to develop software that runs on the Apple hardware, I will let you thorough the journey.

          First of all Before starting development you must need to be familiar with the things like variables, loops, conditions, what are the curly braces in the programming language, why do we require them in any programming language like this if you don't know this terms then I will suggest you go and learn one of the programming language like C which is call mother language, or java.

         Now for apple software development Objective-C is the native programming language developed by apple to create a software that runs on iMac, iPhone, iPod, iPadMini or on any apple hardware.Some people might think that we know C then objective C is very easy to learn yes it is but Some time Objective C is way more than a language and different because apple has designed and developed their own syntax their own way of writing code, So Just get ready to learn new things and syntax don't come up with the mind set or with prediction of syntax like you might have used in other languages, otherwise you will find this journey of learning very painful.

             So, Get ready to learn new iOS Development. Let's Get started ...